Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I have a modest home... big enough for myself and my daughter and not really a hike from one end to the other... but a coworker of mine found this today, the Habitat for the Un-Tamed Spirit. These spheres are suspended from trees and the largest is 10.5 ft in diameter. I can see the advantages.. if the neighborhood gets too rowdy with racoons, bears, etc.. then just move to some new trees. But I have to think living in one of these would be difficult... especially having to climb out of the tree in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom! I guess for a couple of squirrels it would be rather luxurious. :-)


Maureen said...

I like camping, but I can see lots of problems with this and no real advantages. How about storms, or just the braches breaking. I like my small house too. And I like being on the ground.

Anne said...

this out for a cool place to live.

AM Kingsfield said...

I love it! I couldn't live there, but what a cool treehouse. I never had a tree house.
Anne's link seems like asking for trouble. I like my house on the ground too, although the ground is not disaster proof either.