Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm Lucky

I know a lot of people and I can say that all my friends are rational, maybe not every minute of the day, but at least most of the time. They don't automatically assume that everyone else is wrong. They don't get angry when you disagree with them. They try not to blame others when things go wrong... even though they are entitled to sometimes! I am lucky!

I know they are out there.... the one's who won't talk to you about a problem, but are happy to report it to the zoning board, local police, child welfare or your boss, and cc the whole world for good measure. Not a personal reference... remember I know a lot of people! There are the neighbors who haven't spoken to each other in 10 years because of a dispute about a fence post, two inches and a property line. Is it that these people really don't want to have friends? Or do they have irrational friends like them and leave us rational folks to pick up the pieces?

I was watching an old Monty Python sketch on Youtube today ( of people who pay money to be yelled at, or have an argument. It's hilarious. Maybe that is what the irrational people want... perhaps I just missed the memo. If so, I am going to start charging them!


AM Kingsfield said...

Just remember if you are the "rational one" picking up the pieces, that is your choice. Some things you can leave on the floor.

MarkEC said...

If you saw my house, you would know I am capable of leaving things on the floor.