Tuesday, December 18, 2007

You ever have one of those weekends when something you were not sure would happen, suddenly happens, catching you a bit by surprise. It was something you wanted to know, something you thought might be possible one day... you have wondered, waited... kept a positive mental outlook. But then, when you aren't expecting it, you find out... what a wonderful feeling, the best of all surprises. I have been in a daze, reveling in the happiness this brings. I am a very lucky fellow!

What is the source of all this celebration?

Yes, you guessed it.. I am going to heaven! I found out how to do it from this web site! http://reserveaspotinheaven.com/

But just in case that turns out to be a fraud... I am comforted in knowing that I will be back as a Zebra in my next life - http://www.reincarnationstation.com/

Like I said, I am one lucky fellow! :-)


Unknown said...

Oh, you!
Thinking about the whole African animal reincarnation thingee...better a zebra than a hyena or vulture, ah?

Unknown said...

I apparently will be coming back as a cat and more than fifty percent of people are nicer than me. Go figure.

Anne said...

I'm happy for you two!

julie said...

I have needed to meet you for a long time but now more than ever.

AM Kingsfield said...

Apparently I am coming back as an elephant.

julie said...

and by the way, if you are looking for me in the next life, I will be a chimp.

Mom said...

I'll be a gorilla in the next life.

John said...

I have a problem. I'll be a horse and my wife will be a bear. How's that gonna work?

MarkEC said...

Greeny.. at least I will be cuter than those other ones, even if I get eaten. Cats have a great life.. enjoy!

Anne - Thanks!

Julie - Looking forward to meeting you too!

AM - That must be one of the better ones!

Mom - you and Julie may be hanging around a lot together.

John - I think the marriage is over once you are reincarnated. But if you run across a cute bear and want to give it a shot.. that is up to you! :-)

Have a Merry Christmas all!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas!