Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I have been thinking about changes to my commute. Sometimes I listen to the Jazz station, sometimes NPR, or other times I leave it on my daughter's station from her drive to school. But I need more variety than this. A pleasant phone call can help, perhaps satelite radio, maybe a new car will be the answer? But today, I passed a fellow on a unicycle peddling his way to somewhere. He had a helmet and backpack, so he was in for a serious ride, not some juggler on his way to a kid's party. As I pondered this form of transportation, I thought... 28 miles on a unicycle would not be possible for me, I just don't have the leg conditioning for that and passing slower cars at 70 mph would be a challenge. So after a little research I think I may have found the answer. Just don't ask me for a ride to work!


John said...

Looks like you'd need real good balance to ride that thing and not get blown over on your face. Scary.

AM Kingsfield said...

I wonder what happened in the moments after this picture was snapped.

Anne said...

i've wanted a helicopter for my commute for a long time.

Unknown said...

This looks impossible or really stupid.
I wouldn't beat myself up much about not choosing this as a ligit form of transportation, k?

MarkEC said...

I gave up on this idea... the handling in snow and ice is pathetic! :-)